Bed Bug Control In Jefferson City, MO
Bed Bug Control in Jefferson City, Missouri & Surrounding Areas
If you suspect a bed bug infestation, then call us today. You need to find the bed bug infestation quickly in order to stop it before it spreads. When the infestation is smaller it is easier for us to treat. It can be harmful to your business If your customers are suffering from a bed bug infestation. Do not wait another day, call us today!
What Are Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are small, oval, brownish insects that live on the blood of humans or animals. They don't grow large, only about the size of and apple seed. They do not have the ability to fly but instead move quickly across the floor or ceiling.
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We make it easy to get started with a completely free quote.
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We never leave you unhappy! We guarantee it.
How Can You Spot Them?
A bit on your skin can be a good sign that you may have bed bugs. But there are other ways to tell. Your bedding is a good way of telling if you have an infestation. Search through your bedding for reddish stains, these are caused when they are crushed in the bed. Other signs may include bug excrement or stains from it, bed bug eggs and eggshells, and live bed bugs.
How We Remove Bed Bugs?
When you call us about a bed bug infestation, we first confirm that the issue is actually bed bugs in order to use the correct treatment for them. We will plan a home pest control or commercial pest control treatment based on how large the infestation is in your home or business. The result is that you or your guests can rest easy again.